Have you ever been at a point in your life where you wanted something more?
Maybe something creative to focus on, a way to meet new people, or a way to make extra money and even build a business?
I was at a point in my life where I needed something for myself...something that answered all the questions above, something that would fulfill my desire for an outlet, a passion project.
So when I discovered the company, Zyia Active, I knew I needed to jump on the opportunity to be a part of this amazing female-founded company.
That's why I became a Zyia Active Rep and I am so happy that I did.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about being a Zyia Active Rep.
What is Zyia Active and Why Do you Need it in Your Life?
What is Zyia Active?
Zyia Active is a multi level marketing (MLM) company that relies on the (wo)man-power to spread the word and get activewear into the hands of customers. As a Zyia Active Brand Representative, you earn a commission between 20-32% of all your sales. Becoming a rep requires a one-time purchase of the starter kit, which includes both business materials as well as activewear items for your personal wardrobe. You also receive a $100 gift card to spend on any Zyia Active products you choose! You can view the most current starter kit on my Zyia website.
How Does Zyia Work?
You can join Zyia as a rep and build a thriving business or you can join and never sell a thing. The beauty of this business is that it is what you make of it. Just want a discount? Purchase your Zyia activewear and get 25% off immediately! Want to become a total boss babe? Grow your business and earn that commission, as well as build a team of like-minded women (and men too!) who collaborate and support one another on this journey.
Check out an example of the Zyia Active Starter Kit in this video
Why Join my Zyia Team?
By joining my team, you will not only get to be a part of an amazing woman-owned company, but you will also be able to take advantage of the expertise that I, as well as the women on my team, the Passionate Team, offer. Some have been with Zyia since it first began, and we all provide excellent models for how to be successful in this business.
The community within the Passionate Team is one that is truly based on Zyia's 4 pillars: community, light, uplift, and active. These women are empowering and embracing of all members of the team and we build each other up with an abundance mentality and service mindset.
Who Makes a Good Zyia Rep?
Anyone can be a successful Zyia rep! Some helpful qualities to have include motivation, determination, good work ethic, service-minded, and, most importantly, a positive mindset! This gig is great for those who already have full-time careers, and for those who are not currently working. You can fit this into your life whether you have as little as a few hours a week to work on it, or as much as 40 hours a week. It is what you make of it!
We have Zyia reps in the company who are teachers, moms, fitness instructors, personal trainers, bloggers, entrepreneurs...it's a great opportunity for anyone who wants to make an income and have some fun!
Become a VIP! Get more info as well as exclusive discounts, savings, and giveaways by joining TL Style Boutique
Not quite ready to join my team? Click on the image below to learn more about Zyia Active. Check out the brand and learn more by hosting a trunk show, becoming an affiliate, taking advantage of my personal shopping services, or simply check out our quality activewear and do some shopping!
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